Thursday- A Day Filled With Memories and Fun

The last full day of our first week, and camp couldn't be going any better. After a fun filled morning, the action continued with more forts, archery and cook outs. Girls got to make decisions in my choice about what activities they would like to do all around camp. Evening ended in campfire and sleeping in forts or under the stars. Here are some pictures from all the excitement. What kind of super heroine goes into a situation without a mask? During my choice, some of our campers created their own masks to protect their identity. Other girls decided to share their kindness and compassion with camp by "Lamb-bushing". They handed out kind notes with a "baaa!" In the middle of my choice, we all got together for snack. Girls of all ages hung out together as we dined on goldfish and oranges. Yum! Ready, aim, fire! After snack we got back to my choice. Archery definitely hit the target on having a good time. Others chose parachute gam...