
Showing posts from June 12, 2011

The Potters Week Two

"Potters Heaven" is working on the wheel and the girls are staying in the Hidden Unit.  Every morning, for three hourse, they go to the Zuni Ceramics Studio and work with Detail.  They will have many projects to take home and one bowl to donate to a local cause. 

Week Two Camper Art

Willow Springs is known for our ceramics, arts and crafts, dance and drama.  This week all campers participate in these programs while certain program sessions focus on these arts.  Campers create beautiful art and their creativity is supported.

Spotlights on You! Week Two Camp

"Spotlights on you" , in the Cocopah Unit joined together with Twilight, Sunny and Styx to create the Friday performance.  We are all looking forward to seeing the show!!!

Week Two: Tuesday night OUTDOOR THEATER talent/variety show

This week our campers were able to utizlize our brand new outdoor theater area to perform skits, songs, dances, and read poetry.  Campers signed up to perform for the entire camp and much fun was had!!! Here are a few photos of our experience under the stars, watching the stars...

Week Two: Yo-Yo Session

The campers staying in the Hualapai Unit are the "Yo-Yo" session campers.  They get to sleep in and have breakfast in their unit as well as participate in activities at their own pace.  Yesterday they spent the morning on the challenge course.  Here is a glimpse of them there....

Week Two "The Jade Dragon"

The campers in the Jade Dragon martial arts program have learned basic karate and other martial arts and self-defense movements these past two days.  They will also participate in archery, ceramics and campfire program.  They call the 'Navajo" unit their home....

Week Two Archery!

All campers ages 4th grade and above participate in our ARchery program.  Our property department staff, Peter and Steve, added two more lanes to the Archery Range this past spring so that more girls could shoot more arrows! 

Week Two at Willow!

The skies are blue and the sun is shining at Willow Springs this week!  We have amazing programs and the girls are having a great time in their unique program sessions!  Here is a sampling of camp for Week Two!   "Archer and Her Arrow" campers all received their very own hand-crafted hickory bows.  They will learn how to string them and shoot them.  Here they are painting and woodburning their bows....

Week Two Camp at Willow Springs

The bus riders have arrived!  Campers are currently wtih their unit counselors, learning each others' names and laughing and singing songs.  We are looking forward to an awesome week of camp!!!!!!!!!!