Transformation Spring Break Camp 2013

Spring transformation has begun at Willow Springs! When the girls arrived, luggage in tow, the ground was frosty and covered in the remains of our last snowfall. Walking to their cabins to make their beds and unpack girls slid down our muddy hills and built miniature snow people, thoroughly soaking their Sunday outfits. Nothing says camp like getting muddy within minutes! After warming up and settling in, the girls attended our opening, roaring campfire where they sang silly songs, had fun sharing skits and stories, and made up a transformation story starring Bubblegum, the fearless girl who wanted to fly across the Grand Canyon with her bacon, puppies, and oooobba goobla (a parachute like contraption that was found a the base of a Juniper tree) in tow! So far the Brownies have made fairy wings and clothing for their various stuffed animals, painted monster ceramics, built fairy houses, made ice cream in a bag, and did a science experiment with some household i...