Week Four Already?
Hey ya'll! Sorry for the belated updates--it's been quite busy at Willow Springs lately! Troop Camp this weekend went exceedingly well, and the weekend ran smoothly into the camp's last week before the mid-season break. Last night, the story of Willowmina and her yellow chicks was shared around the fireless campfire, the green-faced administrative staff landed on planet Earth and returned to their home galaxy, and some girls had the opportunity to walk the camp's labyrinth, lit up by handfuls of battery-operated candles. Today, the Apache girls went on a hike and learned about edible plants, the Up in the Trees campers got to experience the camp's low challenge course, the Cocopah unit began learning the week's dance routine, and the Navajo crew got to make sand candles. Meanwhile, the DIY Divas were working hard to design and build a garden. You can see the photos from today (and some pottery that was fired from last week) below! ...